A Day in my Shoes..
Nobody knows what it takes to be you & what you go through daily. A day in my life can kind of feel repetitive and boring at times, but there's always good that outweighs the bad, right?
My bedrooms my favorite place in my house, it's my relaxing place where I have my own space and peace.
Its important to wash up every morning and night, hygiene is everything.
I love driving now that I have my license, every morning I get to drive to Downtown, Denver. It's always a good day every day I wake up.
Something about my city makes me feel super refreshed. The atmosphere downtown is so exciting, I always feel like there’s a new opportunity for success every day downtown.
Covid has definitely took a very negative impact on just about everybody around the world. It made everything super weird, awkward, and mostly uncomfortable for everyone
I'm just glad we're back in classrooms, learning with teachers face to face again. It's hard doing at school, a lot of students are failing at it.
Overall, school being 100% online, is 100% terrible. I used to hate writing on paper but honestly I wish we could go back to that. This computer is everyday though, my whole entire highschool is on this computer which sucks.
I'm fortunate enough to get free lunch and breakfast everyday which is completely the best part to me because food is my life! I look forward to eating every chance I get
The end of the day always feels good, feels accomplishing. I always leave school trying to achieve as much as I can.
After I leave the building and finally get outside its like I got released from jail. It feels amazing. Almost like I forgot what fresh air smelt like.
Everyday after I get home I always change out of my dirty, “hardworking" clothes and put on a more comfy attire to relax in then I take it easy for the rest of the night so I can recharge my body to do the same exact thing the next day!